Harnessing the power of API integration [infographic]

Businesses now have access to more data than ever before, and integration with existing systems is proving to be invaluable for providing insights into building operations and occupancy. Open APIs enable us to take data integration to the next level.


Source 1: https://www.isemag.com/2018/12/smart-buildings-elevate-smart-cities
Source 2: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/House/ITC/DevelopmentofCities/Report/section?id=committees%2Freportrep%2F024151%2F25693

Deeper insights through API integration

Open APIs help businesses effectively leverage their building data by making it more accessible, enabling them to automate processes and increase building intelligence by combining datasets.

  • Integration: Seamlessly integrate with other building systems.

  • Smartphone Apps: Custom apps designed to facilitate direct interaction with the building.

  • Artificial Intelligence: Understands trends and makes autonomous decisions to optimise environments and systems.

  • Dashboards: Automated to produce highly customisable, value-adding reports and real time insights.

  • Analytics: Provide deep insights into building operations over time to facilitate informed decision-making.

  • Occupancy: Based on actual data, understand the space you are using to identify space optimisation or workplace design improvements.

  • Security: Leverage live occupancy data to feed into security systems to recognise presence.

  • Data Safety: Secure connection via API ensures your data is kept safe.

The rewards of API integration

By reimagining the tenant experience and feeding data to where it adds the most value, API integration can lead to significant business benefits.


  • Increased control over the working environment

  • Tailored cooling, heating, and lighting scenarios based on personal preferences

  • Achieve higher productivity levels through automated systems and processes

  • Enjoy improved security and safety measures

Building Owners

  • Reduce energy costs through analytics and automation

  • Greater insights into business operations and historical trends

  • Sustainability performance tracking and management

  • Central management platform delivers increased visibility over data

  • Data driven decision-making and predictive forecasting